Family: FABACEAE-MIMOSOIDEAE (angiosperme)
Scientific name(s): Piptadeniastrum africanum
Description of the log
- Diameter : de 60 à 120 cm
- Thickness of sapwood : de 5 à 15 cm
- Buoyancy : non flottable
Physical properties
- Density : 0.70
- Monnin hardness : 4.4
- Coeff. Voluminal withdrawal : 0.55%
- Total tangential withdrawal : 8.5%
- Total radial withdrawal : 3.8%
- Not saturation of fibres : 27%
- Heavy frame
- Fund of vehicle or container
- Parquet floor (heavy or industrial)
- Lamellate-stuck
- Interior of plywood
- Framework
- Coating external
- Escalier (à l’intérieur)
- Current furniture
- Face et contre face de contreplaqué